Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 45's Home Page
(The Best of the Best)
Troop 45's Activities
Troop 45 has been involved in quite a few activities over the past 50 years;
although I do not personally know of the activities of the years past,
I do know about some of the most recent activities. The Troop has worked
very closely with Pack 45, with whom most of it's scouts and adult leaders
have come from. Some of the activities have been providing Den
Chiefs for the Pack, as well as helping out with various activities
that the Pack has sponsored. The Troop is also responsible for training
it's own leaders and making sure that the Troop's leaders have had the
required training on the Council level. Scoutmasters
have their own training agenda as well as the other adult
leaders. The Troop has helped with and conducted its own fund raisers
and car washes. Scouts have participated in the Polar Bear Derby as well
as the Klondike Derby, both events are held at Camp Chickahominy near Lightfoot,
Virginia. The Troop has also went on several 50 Milers, the last one was
a 50 mile canoe trip on the Nottoway River in southern Virginia. The Troop
has also attended Summer Camp every year, usually at Camp Chickahominy,
but in 1998 the Troop went to Camp Rock Enon in northern Virginia. In 2000,
the Troop is planning to attend summer camp at Camp Brady Saunders, near
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