![]() Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 45's Home Page (The Best of the Best) ![]() Troop 45 Rules of Conduct ![]() Guns are forbidden. Possession of a gun at a scout activity will result in immediate dismissal from the troop. Bad language will not be tolerated; this usually means cursing but also includes racial slurs, religious slurs and other forms of hateful talk. Clothing may not be printed with sexually oriented material or contain references to alcohol, drugs or tobacco. Vandalism of Troop church property, camp property or an individual's property will not be tolerated. Stealing will not be tolerated. Do not use or borrow anyone's personal property without their permission. You are not allowed in another scout's tent without their permission. Raiding tents is forbidden for any reason. You may be in another patrol's campsite only with their permission. If they ask you to leave, do so. No aerosol cans, cigarette lighters, firecrackers, radios, tape players or walkmans are allowed on campouts. They will be confiscated and returned to your parents. All knives must have folding blades which are no longer than 4" in length. No form of fixed blade knife is allowed and neither are hatchets, axes, machetes, etc. Any non-conforming knife or tool will be confiscated by an adult and returned to your parents. Anything can be taken away by an adult or the Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, or senior scout if it is misused. Fires must be enclosed in a ring of rocks or dirt. No chemicals or petroleum products may be used to start a fire. Do not put anything into a fire except firewood or appropriate trash. Do not take anything out of a fire, especially burning sticks. There must be two buckets filled with water near every fire. Use the Buddy System: you can not go somewhere by yourself or with just one other person; there must be a minimum of three scouts in a group. You may not leave the boundaries of the camp where the troop is camping unless you are in a group led by an adult. The time for lights out on a campout will be announced by the Senior Patrol Leader, Scoutmaster, or adult in charge, and you must be in your tent by then. Talking after lights out should be done quietly and not heard outside of your tent. If you wake up early in the morning, do not wake other scouts or start a fire by yourself. No running, ball throwing, wrestling, etc. in camping areas. Do this away from the tents and gear. Any driver with scouts in their car must be at least 21 years old. Scouts of driving age can drive to campouts only when circumstances prevent normal carpooling. If a scout must drive himself to a campout, he must park the car for the duration of the campout and leave by himself at the end of the campout. He may not use the car during the campout and may not lend the car to anyone else. This list is not all inclusive. When in doubt, check your actions against the Scout Law. ![]()
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