![]() Welcome to Boy Scout Troop 45's Home Page (The Best of the Best) ![]() Save Our Scouts! ![]() Liberal forces are combining to destroy one of the greatest leadership programs ever instituted. Soon they will begin to attack other worthwhile organizations. Make a stand now! Remember, if you are not part of the solution...you are part of the problem! Read all of this. Some of it is incredible. HELP US MAKE NEWS TO HELP OUR SCOUTS It has been an exciting and hectic couple of weeks! It is hard
to believe that it has been only three weeks since Save Our Scouts and
the online petition was launched. Already, nearly 25,000 stalwart supporters
of Scouting like you have joined together in signing the petition.
Thank you!
But we are asking you to help us get even more people to sign-at least 30,000 more to bring the total of 55,000. Why that number? Because the group that is circulating the Internet petition to pressure the Scouts to change the Scout Oath and Law has gotten 55,000 signatures. And we are asking you to help us reach that 55,000 mark within the next week. Accomplishing that would show the Scouts, the media and the nation that in just thirty days we can generate as much support for the Scouts as those who are trying to destroy scouting have been able to gather in their entire existence (several years so far). So, if you have asked others to sign, please follow up and remind them. If you know others who might sign, please invite them to visit www.saveourscouts.com <http://www.saveourscouts.com> and do so. Also, remember that husband and wives each should sign and we welcome Scouts to sign as well. We will make it if each one who has signed gets one other person to sign. Thanks! SCOUTS WIN BIG IN CONGRESS Thanks to all of you who responded to the SOS Action Alert last week.
The Woolsey bill to revoke the Scouts' National Charter was defeated by
a vote of 361 to 12. Visit the website to see how your Representative
voted. Three congressmen who are on the new SOS advisory board, Chris Cannon
of Utah, Dana Rohrabacher of California and J.D. Hayworth of Arizona, spoke
passionately in defense of the Boy Scouts on the floor of the House as
HR 4892 was being debated.
SPEAKING OF CONGRESS.... We are pleased to have four Congressmen on our National Advisory Board, Rep. Chris Cannon, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Rep. J.D. Hayworth and Rep. Jeff Session. They have already been very helpful, including talking about Save Our Scouts on talks shows, even though they are currently very busy with their own re-election campaigns. Which reminds us that the outcome of the fall elections potentially will have a huge impact on Scouting. One site, www.ecccentral.com <http://www.ecccentral.com> has a unique "family budget" approach to supporting candidates for Congress who support the Boy Scouts and the principles the Scouts uphold. Check it out! SOS BOARD APPROVES GRANTS Thanks to the contributions of a number of generous people, SOS will
be making grants to several embattled local Scout Councils and a legal
defense group which is forming. A grant of $1000 will be made to
the local San Diego council where the American Civil Liberties Union has
filed a suit to stop the Scouts use of city parkland for a Scout camp.
A $1500 grant will go to the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, local council where
the city commission voted to reject the request of $10,000 to help Boy
Scouts of America with a school program for at-risk and disabled children.
Gavin Grooms, SOS National Director, will personally deliver the check
and hopes to rally more support for this program while he is in Florida.
Finally, $1000 will be donated to help start up a high-powered independent
national legal defense fund to help Scout councils across the country.
VICE PRESIDENT GORE SIGNALS HIS TRUE COLORS Steven Cozza, who heads "Scouting for All" states that his goal is to open the Boy Scouts of America to "gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth and adults. Scouting For All is also advocating that the Boy Scouts of America end its discrimination against girls and atheists." After the June 28th Supreme Court decision upholding the First Amendment rights of the Boy Scouts of America to maintain its nearly century-old moral standards, those who seek to destroy those standards intensified their efforts. Specifically they launched a nationwide campaign to financially cripple or destroy the Scout program and deny its right to use public facilities such as schools and parks. On September 12, 2000, Cozza posted on his website a letter praising his efforts "in solving problems associated with such issues as gay and lesbian rights." Gore has not apologized or expressed any criticism of "Scouting for All" and its nationwide effort to force the Boy Scouts of America to alter its "morally straight" policy by exerting pressure on contributors, town council and others. Specifically, Scouting for All hopes to keep the Boy Scouts from being able to use city owned buildings and parks, and organizations such as United Way to halt contributions aimed as funding inner city Scout troops. For Al Gore's letter and accompanying comments on the impact on our entire society the Scouting for All "non-discrimination" policy would have on all other private organizations, especially those for women and religion, go to: http://www.originalsources.com/OS9-00MQC/9-15-2000.1.html - Gore Supports those Responsible for House Bill to Rescind Boy Scout Charter. ![]() Back to "Save our Scouts". ![]()
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